Thursday, June 23, 2011

Secret Garden

One of the things I love most about the house we live in is the backyard. What used to be a mix of dead lawn and dusty cactuses is now a secret (and practical) garden.

The yard is sectioned into three different areas: the lawn (where Cocoa does his thing), the gravel path and fountain (doesn’t it look like a giant cat litter box?), and the succulent garden (the actual “garden” part of the yard).

The other morning, before the Valley summer heat set in, I did a little frolicking in the succulent section of the yard.

The morning dew, combined with the fresh, bright colors, transported me to a different world...

Into a wondrous, secret garden.

Being out in the garden makes me wish I was one-twentieth of my normal size.

I could lie on this soft bed of groundcover.

And climb the lush, bushy shrubs.

I could forage for wild vegetables and berries.

And splash my face with the morning’s dew.

I love that a bunch of succulents and groundcover can awaken my adventurous spirit.

And I encourage you to do the same! Go out and enjoy the little things in life.

Or, alternatively, redo your backyard with a bunch of low water plants. That’s the real reason for this fabulous section of the yard: a lawn’s too expensive.

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